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Hello my dear friend!

In the laboratory of maxillofacial surgery, we tried together to make an impression of the patient's jaw. Now you will be able to independently repeat the making of the impression, but already of your teeth.

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You will need:

  1. Alginate mass (included)
  2. Impression tray (included)
  3. Bowl (or any container in which you can stir the mass)
  4. 25 ml of warm water
  5. Spoon


  • 1
    Pour the alginate mass into a bowl.
  • 2
    Fill the mass with warm water.
    Important! Do not pour the mass into water, it will turn into separate lumps, and you will not succeed.
  • 3
    Start stirring the alginate.
  • 4
    As soon as the mass turns from pink to gray, it's time to place it in the impression tray.
  • 5
    Try to spread the mixture as evenly as possible on the impression tray.
    Attention! It is very important not to overexpose the diluted alginate mass on the impression tray - it can harden in one minute.
  • 6
    The impression tray can now be applied to the lower jaw.
  • 7
    Hold it for about three to four minutes. Then take out the spoon.
    The impression is ready!
You can use the cast as you like, but we would collect our baby teeth in it, if we had any.

  • Do not worry if suddenly the mass falls into the oral cavity.
    This mixture is used by real doctors and is completely safe.
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